Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day One Hundred Fifty Six

If I were packing up my house to move, the process would be more systematic than what I've been doing.  I'd start in one room and empty all the cupboards/shelves/drawers in order.  What I have been trying to do with this five a day challenge is different.  I've been looking for things that I come across during my day that seem superfluous to my life now.  If I open the movie cabinet to look for a particular DVD I also look at what else is in there.  That is how the old VHS tapes got routed.  Today I was looking for the tile I bake polymer clay items on and couldn't put my hands on it right away.  In the process I came across the items that made today's list.  Thought I'd tell you in case you wondered about the eclectic mixes I come up with!

The post a couple of weeks ago that I shared here of the finials sparked my creative imagination going and here are the first two finials for the chicken coop.

12 Cloud Rider

9 Smirking Baby Crow

Today's five items - bizarre kitchen things:
1.  A wire gadget that is supposed to slice layer cakes in half so you can fill them
2.  A garnish maker so you can make your watermelon look like a turkey or a chrysanthemum
3.  A cheese grater that is supposed to fit on a bowl but I don't have the bowl anymore
4.  Another cheap plastic wine bottle opener
5.  A ripple cutter - for carrots?  Potatoes?

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