Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day One Hundred Sixteen

Writing from beautiful downtown Las Vegas, the city of excess.  This is a pretty tough city for me on many levels.  However, rather than go too far off on a tangent that includes a Vegas bashing I will remember words said to me by someone I really like while here once a few years ago.  I was going on about the conspicuous consumption and resource mismanagement and she looked me straight in the eye and said, "You know, sometimes you're a real drag."  Jeez.  I will just say that as I sit here in the hotel room pondering which restaurant to have dinner in I see the heading "Why Buffet when you can Feast?"

'nuff said.  ;-)

Here are the five items for today:

1.  Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
2.  Etch a Sketch - standard size
3.  Parcheesi
4.  Creepy monster head toy whose mouth opens and shuts when you pull the trigger on his neck
5.  Mouse pad with a calculator built in

Quote Challenge 
Don Vardo Plans
Gypsy Tour Map

1 comment:

  1. I get told "don't be a drag" too, most recently when I was commenting on excess consumption going on in the Black Rock.

    Enjoy the journey!



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